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Kim, Yonghee
Yonghee Kim studied Composition at the Korea National University of Arts in Seoul and at Universität der Künste Berlin, with Walter Zimmermann.
She received diverse awards and scholarships: Composition Prize in chamber music at Seoul Music Festival (2008), The Auditorium Prize for Criticism in Korea (2011), DAAD-Stipendium (2013-2015), CAA (Contemporary Arts Alliance)-Stipendium (2015), Berlin-Rheinsberger-Kompositionspreis (2015), Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium des Landes Berlin (2016).
Her music has been performed in Korea and Germany: Seoul Music Festival, Hwaum Music Festival in Korea, Musikfestival Crescendo and Zoom-Focus of Universität der Künste Berlin, Rheinsberger Pfingstwerkstatt Neue Musik, Unerhörte Musik BKA etc.
As a pianist, she performed in a play, Si Dong Ra Sa in Korea (2006). Otherwise she composed for an animation film, The Strange Land (2001).